Red light, Yellow Light, Green Light…

Esosa Otu
7 min readJun 22, 2024


No! this isn’t about your regular traffic lights or maybe it is but there is more to the things we see every day …

Photo by Jim Romero on Unsplash

Hmm “Traffic lights”, have you ever thought about what they really mean?

We all attended primary schools where we were taught about the traffic lights using songs. We would recite it every day so we can remember, but what if this traffic light was to the prepare us for the life we couldn’t see then and still can’t see now?

Let’s find out!

When I sit down to think about life, it’s like staring into a big, open sky. There are so many thoughts buzzing around in my head, like little fireflies dancing in the night. Sometimes, I wonder if what I’m doing is what God wants or just what I want. It’s like trying to figure out which way the wind is blowing in a storm. But you know, there are moments when I feel like God is right there beside me, whispering in my ear, guiding me through the chaos.

Daily, as I traverse Maryland, the bus inevitably halts at the Red Light. Each time, I inwardly exclaim, “The audacity!" The Red Light seems to manifest precisely when I’m in a hurry to reach home. I often fantasize about commandeering the bus and ignoring the Red Light, but glancing at the traffic wardens on both sides, I realize such an act would only lead to my arrest, placing me in the “Yellow Light” of waiting and uncertainty which I obviously didn’t want.

As the days passed, I reminisced on why it was always red light when my bus is almost getting to the traffic light, it felt like the universe was trying to tell me something. The next day I decided to take a different means of transportation which was “A Bike” lol I still got stucked in the red-light dilemma.

It was raining, I was soaking wet and there I was as I got home, there was no light as usual, I took a deep breath, took off my wet clothes and shoes discarded them into a bucket hoping to get other things done, for reasons unknown to me I went ahead to sit on the floor and wept. In that moment of darkness, the noise, everything disappeared with my eyes closed as my brain wandered into thin air. In that moment of darkness, my thoughts drifted back to the traffic lights.

I took a deep sigh and while still in the darkness of the unknown, the thought struck me and I said, “I knew it, God was speaking to me through these traffic light”. But how and why?

Traffic light regulates car movements signaling when to stop, get ready, or go, and this shows how there are sometimes in life where you just wish everything will just stop or hoping that you’re really prepared for what’s to come and in the end taking the right steps to get to your destination.

Life is a lot like a traffic light, filled with starts, stops, and everything in between. The red lights are those moments when you need to halt, take a breath, and reassess your path. The yellow lights are the times of preparation, when you gather your thoughts and resources, getting ready for the next big step. And then there are the green lights, those exhilarating moments when everything aligns, propelling you to move forward.

Life, much like a game such as “Squid Game”, where participants face deadly challenges; each one hoping to survive and advance. While our lives aren’t as extreme, we do face various stages and challenges, often hoping to avoid failure and move forward.

We rush through life, trying to succeed without fully understanding the rules. Every game has its rules that provide guidance on how to play and win. Similarly, life has its own set of rules and principles, whether we like it or not. The sad part is that, following these rules doesn’t guarantee you a smooth ride, but they do provide a guideline for navigating through life.

Remember the movie “Jumanji”, where players had to follow specific rules, but even when they did, they encountered unexpected obstacles. This is a perfect representation of life. In life you might follow all the “rules” and do everything right, but yet still face unplanned challenges.

Take the “Red light”, for instance. It symbolizes the times when you need to stop. Life can get overwhelming, and sometimes, you just need to take a breather. This is the stage where you pause, reflect, and restrategize. It’s about stopping to reassess your situation, try new approaches, and gather your thoughts. It’s like a chess game, where a player needs to take a moment to plan their next move carefully. The game of chess, much like life, requires strategy, patience, and the ability to adapt to ever-changing circumstances.

Then there’s the “Yellow light”, symbolizing the preparation stage. This is when you’re getting ready for what’s next. When you want to prepare to cook Fried rice, you need to gather the right ingredients and follow specific processes to make it taste good if not it gets sour. Life is similar; preparation is key to success.

However, just like in cooking, no matter how prepared you are, things might not go as planned. Your gas might run out, the food might not taste as expected, or you might lose your appetite after all the effort. Similarly, in life, no matter how ready you think you are, unexpected challenges can arise.

Finally, the “Green light” represents the go stage. This is when you take action and move forward. Despite all the preparation and planning, you need to take the plunge and start your journey. This stage is crucial because it’s about taking the right steps towards your destination.

Sadly, no matter how much you plan or prepare, life has a way of throwing curveballs at you. You can never be fully prepared for everything. There will always be unforeseen circumstances and challenges that test your resilience and adaptability.

One of the key lessons in life is learning to embrace uncertainty. While it’s important to have plans and goals, it’s equally important to be flexible and adaptable. Life is dynamic and ever-changing, and the ability to adapt to new situations is crucial for success.

We can call it Squid game because in all honesty this life has always felt like a life-threatening game just like Squid game. We go through processes hoping we don’t die but make it to the next level.

We are always in a hurry to fly without completely reading the rules of the games. Every game has rules which are guidance on how to understand and play the game. This is how life is, whether we like it or not there are rules to this game called “Life”. Do these rules guarantee a smooth ride? Nope it doesn’t.

It’s easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of life, to rush through moments without pausing to reflect or seek guidance. Yet, I’ve found that it’s in the moments of stillness, of quiet contemplation, that God’s voice becomes clearest. Whether it’s through the beauty of nature, the kindness of a stranger, or the wisdom of a timeless verse, God speaks to us in myriad ways if only we’re willing to listen.

Life feels like a puzzle, with all these pieces scattered around, waiting to be put together. We try to make sense of it all, to see the bigger picture. But you know what? I think God sees the whole puzzle, from beginning to end. And maybe, just maybe, He’s showing us where the pieces fit, one step at a time.

Yet, unlike a book whose ending is predetermined, our lives are an ongoing story with infinite possibilities. We are co-authors of our destiny, shaping our narrative through the choices we make, the paths we take, and the lessons we learn along the way. And woven into the fabric of our story is God’s hand, guiding us, shaping us, and revealing Himself in the intricate details of our lives.

I think God speaks to us in simple ways, we just have to listen. It’s like God’s writing a story with our lives, and we’re part of it. Sometimes, it’s like we’re characters in a book, and God’s the author, weaving our stories together into something beautiful.

But how do we know if we’re following God’s plan? It’s about being aware, paying attention to the signs and signals God sends our way. It’s about listening to that quiet voice inside us, the one that says, “This is the way, walk in it.” It’s about trusting that God’s got a plan, even if we don’t see the whole picture right now.

I remember this one time when I was feeling lost and confused, like I didn’t know which way to turn. I sat down and prayed, asking God for guidance. And you know what happened? I felt this peace wash over me, like everything was going to be okay. It was like God was saying, “I’ve got this, my child. Just trust me.”

So, when I think about life and all its twists and turns, I remember that God’s in control. He’s the one writing the story, and I’m just along for the ride. And you know what? That’s okay with me.

PS: With or Without God you can never be too prepared for life. Lol Life will show you pepper in ways you never imagined but don’t let it get to you!! You Got This more with God!!



Esosa Otu

Philosopher|| Content writer|| Avid Reader|| Storyteller|| Technical Writer|| Sports Enthusiast/Writer || Marketer || Journalist || Open to paid Writing gigs