Do you think social media can affect you? We are all human and we all have feelings. It is okay to take a break from social media from time to time. Read this blog post to learn more about the effects of social media on our wellbeing. I took a week break off social media. Here is what happened:
Studies show that we spend about 33% of our time on social media sites, and of that time, it’s reported that about 58% is spent on mobile devices. The average user has between three and five social media accounts and spends a whopping 2 hours and 42 minutes on social every day. If you feel like your social media usage is negatively affecting your life, there is hope: taking a break from social media and limiting your use of it on a regular basis is good for you. We need to ask ourselves how much is too much and how much time is too much time on social media.
There is no doubt that social media has revolutionized the way we communicate and connect with each other. However, sometimes it can have a negative effect on us, making us feel anxious, stressed, and even isolated. If you find yourself feeling this way, it might be time to take a break from social media.
Disconnecting from social media can be difficult, but it can be very beneficial for your mental health. Once you take a break, you may find that you have more time for other activities, you sleep better, and you feel less anxious. If you do decide to take a break from social media, make sure to tell your friends and family so they can support you.
- The Effect of Taking a Break from Social Media
For anyone to come to the conclusion of wanting to take a break from social media, then that is true “self — love”. These past few months, irregardless of the work stress, I have learnt to love and respect myself and I am glad to see it play in every aspect of my life and it is evident that I am growing as a person.
I suddenly loved myself enough to decide on taking a week break off social media because I realized that as much as I needed to network, in the process I found out that I am putting so much pressure on myself when I see people of my age doing great things.
Don’t get me wrong I know we have the belief that everyone has their individual pace so you can’t compare your pace with someone else’s pace but we are humans and as much as we say this, when we see such things on social media we don’t even realise when we start overthinking and eventually put so much pressure on ourselves and emotions starts to over flow just due to a post you saw on social media.
This doesn’t mean you are not good enough, it just means you are human, and it is okay to feel that way, but the question is, what do you do when you feel that way? From then on, you will realize that you need to step back and take a break for yourself.
2. Why Taking a Break is Necessary
There’s no perfect recipe for happiness, but taking a breath every once in a while can definitely be helpful along the way!
Taking a break helps you re-strategize and come back stronger than before. With so much pressure from work stress and wanting to make it, taking a break is necessary for your mental health.
Taking a break doesn’t mean when the break is over, the work stress will reduce. It just means “I love myself so much that at this moment I will rather take a step back and relax and come back stronger to finish”.
Why do you think the most exciting thing about school for kids is their “break time”? This is because that is when they are free to play, eat, etc. without listening to any lessons from the teacher because at that point they get to be free. This is how taking breaks for adult should be like.
4. What Are Some Solutions to This Problem Conclusion: A little time off of social media can do you some good.
During this one week break, I found peace, and I got the opportunity to relax properly by freeing my mind off any work stress or pressure from the media. I watched movies; I was comfortable in my own skin, I slept, got some snacks. It all just felt like I want to be a kid again because at that moment it seems like the weight of the world was off my shoulder.
It is very evident that we are in a more advanced technology age that has led to the massive growth of various social media platforms. These platforms come with its advantages as well as disadvantages. We humans are built differently, making it possible for one to have different beliefs of views on a particular topic, especially a sensitive topic as “social media”.
Taking a break from social media can help in staying away from negative emotions. Social media is a really great way to connect with people from your past and present. It is also a great way to stay in contact with friends and family. However, social media can also have a negative effect on you if you are constantly on it. This is why I believe you should take a break from it once in a while, because taking a break from social media can make you feel more refreshed and less stressed.