I guess it’s all just in my head

Esosa Otu
2 min readMar 25, 2023


Or maybe it isn’t…

Photo by Carolina on Unsplash

I guess it’s all just in my head,

Or so they always say,

But the thoughts that fill my mind,

Won’t seem to go away,

I am confident I couldn’t have made this all up because,

If I did I would have been seen as crazy,

But I am sure about what and how I feel.

Anxiety creeps in,

Like a shadow in the night,

My heart races, my palms sweat,

And I can’t seem to fight.

It all just seems like a struggle,

Asking questions if this is normal.

It’s all just in my head,

Or so they always claim,

But the panic that grips me,

Feels far from just a game.

It feels like a continuous movement,

I can’t place a finger on what it is,

I keep struggling hoping it will stop,

Because I just want to live.

My self-esteem takes a hit,

As I doubt my every move,

I feel unworthy and small,

And my confidence is removed,

Hit with the confusion of “what ifs”,

Scared to take a leap of faith,

“To try again”, I ask myself shakingly.

It’s all just in my head,

Or so they often repeat,

But the weight of depression,

Feels like an endless defeat,

The feeling of going around in circles,

Hoping I finally get to the right destination on time,

“Take a breather”, My inner voice screamed.

Negative thoughts consume me,

And I struggle to break free,

The darkness seems to swallow,

All the light I used to see,

This makes me wallow in self-doubt,

And wish only I could see,

Just a little spark of light,

Maybe I would be motivated.

It’s all just in my head,

But that doesn’t mean it’s not real,

These feelings that I’m feeling,

Are all too much to conceal,

I know what I feel,

You can’t convince me otherwise.

So I’ll keep fighting the battle,

And try to change my point of view,

Because even if it’s in my head,

I deserve happiness too.



Esosa Otu

Philosopher|| Content writer|| Avid Reader|| Storyteller|| Technical Writer|| Sports Enthusiast/Writer || Marketer || Journalist || Open to paid Writing gigs