The Echoes of Pain…

Esosa Otu
5 min readSep 1, 2024


Walking beside her, trying to lift her spirits, she asked, “Why do I feel like this? Is this what pain really is? What kind of pain is this?” I looked at her with a flicker of hope and replied;

Pain, like a child learning how to crawl, the one that lingers in the quiet moments, in the spaces between breaths, in the memories that refuse to fade. That sharp sting when the world moves on, yet you’re frozen in place, holding on to what once was but is no more. Pain from hurt, a wound that doesn’t always bleed but cuts deep all the same.

What’s worse is the pain caused by those you trust the most – the ones you let in, the ones you believed would never hurt you. But they do, and when they do, it feels like a betrayal. The sting is more than a bee, it’s sharper, and the cut is deeper because it’s not just the loss of love or trust, but the shattering of your belief in the goodness of others.

They say time heals all wounds, but what of the scars that remain? What of the numbness that settles in, like a fog over your soul, dulling the sharp edges of your emotions? You try to feel again, to care again, but it’s like the pain has drained the life out of you. You walk through your days with a hollow echo where your heart used to be, a shadow of the person you once were.

Pain, a teacher, an unwanted punishment, a thief that steals your joy, your hope, your ability to trust again. Like a cage, it wraps you in an invisible chain of fear and doubt. You want to open up, to love again, to trust again, but the memory of that pain holds you back. It whispers in your ear, reminding you of the hurt, the betrayal, the heartbreak. And so you stay guarded, afraid to let anyone get too close, afraid to be vulnerable, because what if it happens again? What if you’re hurt again?

Pain, a shock, a heavy burden, one that makes you question everything. Why did this happen? Why did they hurt me? Was it something I did? The questions swirl around in your mind, relentless, driving you into a spiral of self-doubt and insecurity. You start to believe that maybe you’re not worth loving, not worth caring for, because if you were, they wouldn’t have hurt you, right?

But that’s the lie pain tells you. It wants you to stay in that cage, to stay numb, to stay fearful. It wants you to believe that you’re safer alone, that it’s better to not feel at all than to risk feeling that kind of pain again. But deep down, you know that’s not true. You know that life without feeling is not living – it’s merely existing.

Pain a teacher, though a cruel one that shows you the depths of your heart, the strength of your spirit. It strips away the pretense, leaving you raw, and vulnerable, but also real. And in that rawness, in that vulnerability, you find the truth of who you are. You are not defined by the hurt you’ve endured but by how you rise from it, and how you choose to move forward.

Yes, pain is real, and it hurts. It makes you want to close off, to protect yourself, to build walls so high that no one can ever get in. But in doing so, you also lock yourself in. You become a prisoner of your own fear, a captive to the very thing you’re trying to escape.

Yet, even in the darkest moments, there is a glimmer of hope. The numbness may take hold, but it doesn’t have to stay. The walls may be high, but they can be torn down. The cage may be strong, but it is not unbreakable. You are not meant to live in fear, to be trapped by your pain. You are meant to rise above it, to heal, to grow.

For every storm that passes, there is a calm that follows. The clouds may linger, but the sun will break through, shining light on the path ahead. And though the pain may not fully disappear, it will fade, becoming a distant memory, a lesson learned. It will remind you that you are stronger than you ever knew, that your heart, though scarred, is still capable of beating with love, of finding joy, of embracing life.

So, when the pain feels unbearable, when the numbness threatens to consume you, remember this: “You are not alone. The pain you feel is real, but so is your strength.” The hurt you endure is heavy, but so is your resilience, and while it may seem like the end, it’s merely a bend in the road – a road that leads to healing, to renewal, to a brighter tomorrow.

Pain, a chapter, not the whole story, a moment, not a lifetime. Let it shape you, but not define you. Let it teach you, but not control you. Let it be a part of your journey, but not the destination. For you are more than your pain, more than your hurt, more than your heartbreak. You are a survivor, a fighter, a soul with a light that cannot be dimmed.

In the end, the pain will pass, but the lessons will remain, and you will rise, stronger, wiser, more compassionate – ready to face whatever comes next with a heart that has been tested but remains unbroken. You will find the courage to trust again, to open your heart again, because you know that life is worth living, and love is worth the risk.

“I wish I had all the answers, but sometimes, pain is more than just a feeling — it’s a reminder that we’re alive, that we care deeply. This pain you’re feeling, it’s real, and it’s valid. But it’s also a sign that you’re growing, that you’re strong enough to handle what life throws at you.” I guess…



Esosa Otu

Philosopher|| Content writer|| Avid Reader|| Storyteller|| Technical Writer|| Sports Enthusiast/Writer || Marketer || Journalist || Open to paid Writing gigs