A Review and Reflection of Atomic habits by James Clear

Esosa Otu
4 min readApr 26, 2022


Photo by Lala Azizli on Unsplash

It is acceptable to take a break from coding or reading coding articles in order to read books or articles that will have a long-term impact on your coding habits. So, why not make it a habit to set aside an hour each week to read “ATOMIC HABITS”?

My Review…

The Author is honest in acknowledging that his point of view is based on a combination of scientific research and experiment, which offers readers a great understanding of how science and human behavior can be combined through small habits to achieve great results in life.

In the subtopic “ How this book will benefit you” with the phrase “Anything wise in these pages you should credit to the many experts who preceded me. Anything foolish, assume it is my error”, despite the fact that it was his story, was honest enough to admit that he isn’t above making mistakes or blunders and that he will give credit to expert opinions.

This book takes a systematic, step-by-step approach to understand human behavior and fostering little habits that can eventually become second nature to us. Because they constitute a sort of life enhancement, small improvements are significant and should not be disregarded.

My Reflection…

The book begins with a cycling team that had a string of failures, but Brailsford was able to turn the team around by focusing on the small improvements that allowed the team to compete in the Olympics and win.

We place so much pressure on ourselves that we overlook the impact of 1% improvements in our lives. One thing we can do is start small and make it a habit, and with consistency, we will see the effect of improvement in our lives, careers, and so on. This is usually the case with most people attempting to make the transition into technology.

You can’t compare your pace to someone else’s pace who started much earlier and has made it a habit to be consistent. Every habit has an effect, whether positive or negative, but only time will tell. Concentrate on the small changes and work to improve them.

The fact that you have chosen to be consistent with a particular habit and there is no immediate visible change does not mean you should stop. Change is a continuous process; with each habit you consistently cultivate, you are sowing a seed that will one day bear fruit.

Most of the time, we get trapped by the goals we set for ourselves, and we are so concerned with simply achieving those goals that we fail to outline the systems necessary to achieve those goals. Your goals will be much easier to achieve if you concentrate more on the systems. Everyone has goals, but how do you go about achieving them? A bad or good system will reflect whether or not your goals will be met over time.

Growing up, we were instilled with various beliefs based on the experiences we had, but developing consistent habits can change your identity as well as the beliefs you have about yourself.
According to the book, “the cue triggers a craving, which motivates a response, which provides a reward, which satisfies the craving and, ultimately, becomes associated with the cue.” These four steps, taken together, form a neurological feedback loop — cue, craving, response, reward; cue, craving, response, reward — that allows you to develop automatic habits. This is referred to as the “habit loop.” Only habits that the person is aware of can be changed.

Habits are formed when they are specific, which means that when these habits are made obvious, they are easy to form. Cues are the catalysts that set off every habit. Habits are dopamine-driven; once your body has become accustomed to a particular habit at a specific time, it will act on it. For example, if a programmer wakes up at 4 a.m. every day to code, his or her body becomes so accustomed to this routine that on other days, when it is 4 a.m., he or she finds it difficult to sleep.

Our environment often determines our habits, so it is important to distinguish between the two so that we do not fall prey to bad habits. A detailed analysis was made in the book stating how to create good habits and how to break bad habits. Make it Obvious, Easy, Attractive, Satisfying, and Make it Invisible, Unattractive, Difficult, and Unsatisfying.


According to the Goldilocks Rule, humans experience peak motivation when working on tasks that are just on the edge of their current abilities. As much as consistent habits lead to great progress, we should always reflect and review our habits over time to allow for more room for improvement and to pay attention to minor mistakes.

This book by James Clear was a fantastic read that can be applied to anybody, regardless of their profession, because it provides a clear analysis of the impact of good and bad habits in our lives and careers, as well as how to improve our systems to achieve great results. The author was also able to reference a number of helpful books, which contributed to the article’s success. You can find this article at “https://instapdfhome.files.wordpress.com/2021/09/atomic-habits.pdf”.



Esosa Otu
Esosa Otu

Written by Esosa Otu

Philosopher|| Content writer|| Avid Reader|| Storyteller|| Technical Writer|| Sports Enthusiast/Writer || Marketer || Journalist || Open to paid Writing gigs

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